4 de octubre de 2013

Dorianne Laux, Tan cerca

Fotografía de Anja Niemi


En la habitación donde nos acostamos
hay manchas de luz amarilla en las persianas cerradas
transpiramos uno sobre otro, trepamos
con nuestros dedos resbaladizos escalando las costillas
donde sea que nos toquemos, la carne
cobra vida. Cabeza y necesidad como animales
invisibles, muerde mi pecho, el suave
interior de los muslos. Lo que quiero
me acerco y simplemente lo tomo, ya sin delicadeza, 
como con las manos llenas el oscuro pan humano 
a puñados golosos. Los ojos, los dedos, la boca, 
sanguijuelas dulces del deseo. Mujer loca, 
cerebro lleno de abejas, mirá cómo se enroscan las palmas
en puños y golpean la almohada sin sentido. 
Y cuando, finalmente, mi cuerpo se entrega  
después saca de sí una sustancia salada
y arqueada con el dolor final, 
soy agradecida, y te daría cualquier cosa, lo que sea.
Si te hubiese amado estando tan cerca me hubiera matado.


In the room where we lie,
light stains the drawn shades yellow.
We sweat and pull at each other, climb
with our fingers the slippery ladders of rib.
Wherever our bodies touch, the flesh
comes alive. Head and need, like invisible
animals, gnaw at my breast, the soft
insides of your thighs. What I want
I simply reach out and take, no delicacy now,
the dark human bread I eat handful
by greedy handful. Eyes, fingers, mouths,
sweet leeches of desire. Crazy woman,
her brain full of bees, see how her palms curl
into fists and beat the pillow senseless.
And when my body finally gives in to it
then pulls itself away, salt-laced
and arched with its final ache, I am
so grateful I would give you anything, anything.
If I loved you, being this close would kill me.

Dorianne Laux 
(Augusta, Maine, Estados Unidos, 1952)
Traducción de Noelia Palma
Propuesta de traducción de Emma Gunst
para leer MÁS
su WEB

1 comentario:

EG dijo...

Leyendo en la web, buscando sobre este poema, encontré un comentario que llamó mi atención (cualquier semejanza con la realidad es pura coincidencia):

In the poem “This close” by Dorianne Laux I definitely enjoyed reading it. The details were a lot more descriptive than the other poem (lo compara con un poema de Sharon Olds) and painted a more romantic picture like in the line “light stains the drawn shades yellow” or “climb with our fingers the slippery ladders of rib”. I think that this poem has to do with the author and another person being intimate but there are no true feelings between them except the pure desire that they have for the pleasure of each other’s bodies like in the last line “If I loved you, being this close would kill me”. That definitely makes it seem that the author is not very comfortable with being passionate with someone she has deep feelings for, or maybe she has had bad experiences with people she has loved in the past. So, being with someone who is not very attached to her makes it easier for her to deal with which becomes obvious in the line “I am so grateful I would give you anything, anything” because if it was someone special she wouldn’t give the significant other anything because of feeling grateful for that person pleasing her.

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